Brief Introduction

Complete Name of organization: Bright Star Development Society Balochistan

Organization acronym: BSDSB

Organization website URL:

Organizational Email: and

Type of Registration: Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Non-profit, Non-Political and Humanitarian organization.

Date of Establishment: October 1994

Registered under Societies Act 1860 on January 16, 2010

Registration No. 1340

BSDSB is also registered with Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA)

BSDSB has General Body consists of 30 members, these members elect/select the Member of Board of Directors in every two years. The Board of Directors appoints the Chief Executive for organizational, programs and projects management. organogram
Sibi, Kachhi, Jhal Magsi, Naseeranad, Jaffarabad and Sohbatpur districts of Balochistan Province. However BSDSB works in any emergency or need based in Balochistan and as well as in Pakistan
BSDSB has strong linkages with Government line departments, National and International NGOs and UN Agencies. BSDSB has effective and strong linkages with communities and CBOs in their working target area and all over in Balochistan. BSDSB is member of National Humanitarian Network (NHN) DRR Forum, Start Network, Civil Society Network, Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) Balochistan and Provincial WASH, Shelter/NFIs and Food Security clusters.
BSDSB Board of Director and management developed following Policies and procedure manual for operations for programs and projects implementation. Procurement and logistics policy, Human resource policy, Finance and administration policy, Programme planning policy, Monitoring and evaluation policy, Security, safety and access policy, Child protection policy, Gender, HIV/AIDS, and//or Environment policy, Code of conduct, Complaint Response Mechanism (CRM) Policy, Accountability Framework, Emergency Response Policy,